Ms. Higgins and Mr. Carnahan worked with 8th grade students to learn more about the traditional totems that are placed around Hoonah. Students practiced interview questions in order to learn more about how totems are carved, for what reasons, and what stories they may tell. Students then interviews Gordon Greenwald to learn more about the totems that he has been commissioned to carve. They also learned about different styles of carving and how different carvers utilize those styles to tell the stories (or other reasons) they are commissioned to share.
Special thanks to Huna Heritage Foundation and Tidelines Institute for supporting this project.
**Please note: This was an exploratory project and students worked with culture bearers to better understand these traditional and culturally meaningful practices. We hope to do more, learn more, and become better stewards of the knowledge that is shared in these stories and history of the area.
More photos, interviews, and video to come. Please stay tuned.